
Fallout 4 russian to english
Fallout 4 russian to english

  • set timescale to- The speed of the passage of time in the game, where # is the speed.
  • setscale- Increase player or non-player character size.
  • tav carryweight- Change the weight to be carried, where # is the size of the weight.
  • tav speedmult- Fast run, where # - running speed.
  • setgs fjumpheightmin- Adjust the jump height, where # is the height.
  • caqs - Complete all quests in the storyline.
  • resurrect - Revive one enemy, where targetID is the enemy number.
  • kill - Kill one enemy, where targetID is the enemy number.
  • Does not affect companions and important plot characters

    fallout 4 russian to english

  • killall - Kill everyone near the players.
  • tdetect - Disable / enable NPC player identification system.
  • tcai - Disable / enable combat artificial intelligence of enemies.
  • tai - Disable / Enable artificial intelligence non-player characters.
  • player.additem Add an item to inventory, where itemID is the item number, # is the quantity.
  • unlock - Open any door or terminal that the player's cursor is directed to.
  • player.modav Set the skill level, where skillID is the skill number and # is the desired level.
  • tlevelSet player level, where # is the desired level.
  • sucsm- Changing the speed of the flying camera (default 20).
  • tcl - Walk through walls, ignore gravity.
  • The character will take damage, but the health will never end In the console that appears, you can enter commands regardless of whether they are entered in upper or lower case. To open the console on a PC and use cheat codes, just press the tilde (~) - the key immediately below the Esc button in the Latin keyboard layout. As it became known to the site, just a day after the official release of the game, a complete list of cheats for Fallout 4 appeared on the network. Link to the original page of the mod Original Mod PageĪll gamers had to do was find a list of all the commands that would work like cheat codes. Teleportation to the Far Harbor locationġ) Unzip the archive and move the contents to the Fallout 4 / Data pack.Ģ) Activate the mod in the launcher or in the game itself.ĭescription and localization of the cheat mod were taken from

    fallout 4 russian to english

    Teleportation at the location of the Automatron Teleportation to test locations (QASmoke) Adding legendary properties to weapons and armor Make sure to plug in the mod! If the holodisk does not appear in your inventory, delete the mod, load the save and save again, and then reinstall the mod. The Holodisk "Portable Rogue Terminal" will automatically be added to your inventory. Many thanks to gir489 for the work already done and the upcoming updates. New features have been added that weren't there before, such as: "God Mode" for PC and consoles, endless ammo and more. He did a great job with this mod and radically improved everything that was in my version. This is a complete overhaul of my rogue menu from gir489.

    Fallout 4 russian to english